Affirmations to clear blocks
Anywhere I feel I am blocked and can't create or do the work I want to do I delete, uncreate and de-story.
Anywhere my energy is tied up to my old story I delete uncreate and de story.
Anywhere I feel that I can't make more money than my father I delete, uncreate and de story.
Anywhere I am stingy with myself or others, I delete un-create and de-story.
Anywhere I feel like I can't take care of myself financially I delete, un-create and de-story.
Anywhere I feel like creative blocks, I delete, uncreate and destroy.
What would it take for me to come up with new ideas to make money.
What would it take for me to manifest an extra $1000 a week without working harder.
What would it take for my higher self to be in control all the time.
What would it take for my higher self to bring more abundance and love into my life.
What would it take to bring in all my dreams, values and visions.
What would it take for me to be very intuitive and always know what to do.
What vibrational energy do I need to become to experience love in abundance.
What vibrational energy do I need to become to bring all my dreams to me now.
What vibrational energy do I need to become to pay myself first, pay my debt, and have more than enough money.
What vibrational energy do I need to become to serve millions and bring love and abundance to the world.
Try repeating these statements throughout your day and see your life expand.
Believing in you
Always Stay grateful XO